segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2014

«PARDON the Disruption»

Continuemos com a disrupção, agora com o livro da imagem, do qual a sinopse: «Pardon The Disruption high-lights the exponential advances in technology that have disrupted the legal system and the economy over time - but those changes will pale in comparison to what is about to occur! The book is written in two parts: the first part discusses the effect - past and projected future - on the legal system; the second part, on the economy. The two come together in a conclusive scenario that changes everything! The conclusions reached by this trio of authors are not only possible or plausible, but likely to occur in the future. These inveterate trend watchers see a confluence of trends that will lead to legal, economic and governance changes that will have dramatic effects on our lives. Using both real life and engaging fictional stories to illustrate their compelling points, this trio of authors not only reports on major trends occurring in the legal and economic realms, but uniquely projects where these exponential advances of technology will take us. NO OTHER book on the market has made these connections and projected future outcomes like this one!» +. E sobre o livro aqui na The Futurist.

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