sábado, 15 de março de 2014

O FUTURO: «6 Tendências»

Estava a fazer uma selecção de documentos já antes referenciados e ao ver o da imagem lembrei-me de o divulgar aqui. Estas coisas não acontecem por acaso, e deve ser porque estou num Grupo da APDSI que precisamente quer perscrutar o futuro.  As seis  tendências da publicação:

1: The “tone from the top” is key to heightened awareness
and preparedness for sustainability risks.
2: Governments and multilateral institutions aren’t playing
a key role in corporate sustainability agendas.
3: Sustainability concerns now include increased risk and
proximity of natural resource shortages.
4: Corporate risk response is not well paired to the scale of
sustainability challenges.
5: Integrated reporting is slow to take hold.
6: Inquiries from investors and shareholders are on the rise.
E já agora: «This report summarizes results based primarily on a survey of the GreenBiz Intelligence Panel, consisting of executives and  thought leaders in the area of corporate environmental strategy and performance. Panel members participate in brief monthly
surveys to provide their expertise and perspective on corporate initiatives, laws and regulations, and scientifi c advances that are shaping the green agenda».
Gosto de partilhar, encontro uma coisa e a vontade é logo falar dela a toda a gente !

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