sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2014

PARA PENSAR NO DIA INTERNACIONAL DAS MULHERES E NOS OUTROS DIAS | «only 9 in every 100 European app developers are female».

Para o Dia Internacional das Mulheres,  do Blog  do World Economic Forum,  o post «Where are the women in the app economy?». Começa assim:
«All over the world, the digital economy and in particular the app sector are booming. The rest of the economy needs that boost.
But imagine how much more effective the sector would be if it actually used the talent available to it. Today, less than 30% of the ICT workforce is female and the number of female computing graduates has been dropping in Europe for years. Out of 1,000 women with a bachelor’s degree in Europe, only 29 have a degree in ICT (compared to 95 men). Only four of those women will eventually work in the ICT sector. That’s leading us down a dangerous path.
Not only are we facing an overall digital skills gap in advanced economies, but we are creating a seriously unbalanced part of the economy: only 9 in every 100 European app developers are female». Continue a ler.
Aproveitando este  ambiente,  o lema da UN Women para o 8 de março deste ano:«Equality for Women is Progress for All». E se quiser saber de iniciativas  na esfera do Dia Internacional das Mulheres  visite, por exemplo, o blogue Em Cada Rosto Igualdade. 

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