Ao lermos o post anterior sobre o 13º Fórum da Arrábida que este ano foi subordinado ao tema "Repensar o Futuro da Sociedade da Informação - A Reforma do Estado", e o relatório sobre as conclusões, ocorreu-nos trazer para aqui o documento da imagem que recentemente, por razões profissionais, tínhamos consultado. Associado a ele, dos mesmos autores, também esta apresentação.
Da introdução:
The term “open government " refers to a concept of governance at central and local levels, based on models, tools and technologies that enable the government to be open and transparent.
In particular, the Open Government requires that all the activities and the information created or managed by the public sector administrations should be open and available, in order to facilitate effectiveness of the decisions and to ensure the social control of citizens, journalists and civic organisations regarding the acts and decisions of the administrators.
The Open Government, therefore, is a model of government that requires the authorities and public institutions to redesign the way they operate and take decisions, particularly for what concerns the participation of the civil society and citizens into these procedures.
An "open model" in central and local government is indeed characterized by forms of discussion and collaboration with citizens, as well as open and transparent measures of communication for the local community. Continue a ler.
E uma boa ocasião para se divulgar a EUPAN
- European Public Administration Network .
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