quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2015

DA SUSTAINABILITY |«10 Trends for 2015»

Apple CEO Tim Cook's public coming out in 2014 highlighted
 the issue of LBGT workplace discrimination. 
Image © CC Mike Deerkoski

Quanto mais conhecermos a forma como outros perscrutam o futuro, mais fundamentaremos o nosso «olhar». Assim, partilhemos as «10 Trends for 2015» da SustainAbility - neste endereço. De lá, por exemplo:

  • «Silicon Valley giants Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon made headlines in 2014 after finally disclosing their diversity figures. Tech companies are under increasing pressure from stakeholders, including civil rights activist Jesse Jackson, to tackle the predominantly “white male” composition of their workforces.
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook’s coming out publicly highlighted the extent to which LGBT discrimination remains an unresolved and rarely discussed issue in the corporate world.
  • Next year will see more companies announcing diversity targets that go beyond gender. For example, KPMG’s goals will be set across gender, race, disability and sexual orientation».

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